Modules configuration editor
Multiple iTop extensions come up with configuration parameters, but sometimes, the best person to set them isn't the iTop Administrator and the Configuration file is only accessible to Administrator. Rather than giving to this person full access to iTop Configuration, you can with this extension, allow him to edit just the modules configuration that he needs.
Delegate specific modules configuration to some profile
Can allow the inline edition of some modules even if the full Configuration edition is disabled for security reason with the parameter
For eg. you want to allow Configuration Manager to setup and modify rules for those 2 modules: itop-object-copier and combodo-custom-hyperlinks
- Configuration file
$MyModuleSettings = array( 'combodo-modules-config-editor' => array ( 'profiles' => array ( 'Configuration Manager' => array ( 'itop-object-copier', 'combodo-custom-hyperlinks', ), ), ),
Launch the editor from the configuration menu:
If the user tries to add some configuration for modules that he is not allowed to, this module configuration will be ignored (silently?)
If the user enters PHP invalid format, his submission will be rejected with an error message
If the user set non-existing parameters, there won't be any warning message, but those unknown parameters will have no effect
Adding a new module,
renaming a proposed module or deleting a
full module configuration, has no effect.
There is no warning nor error message, the invalid module is still displayed as typed.
If you Reset or reload the page, it will display the saved modules, remove the invalid ones and restored the removed ones.
There is no warning nor error message, the invalid module is still displayed as typed.
If you Reset or reload the page, it will display the saved modules, remove the invalid ones and restored the removed ones.
There is no lock on the
Module configuration editor
, so if two persons edit
them in parallel, the last one winsSaaS configuration
Modules which you can edit on SaaS Tailored instances
- Configuration
'SuperUser' => array ( 0 => 'itop-object-copier', 1 => 'combodo-custom-hyperlinks', 2 => 'itop-attachments', 3 => 'itop-stencils', 4 => 'customer-survey', 5 => 'approval-base', 6 => 'combodo-approval-extended', 7 => 'combodo-sla-computation', );
ยท Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 by