iTop Product Implementation Guide

Before using iTop in production, the database must be populated with a number of items. This process of setting up the needed items is sometimes named “on-boarding” or “implementation”.

There are several different types of elements to initialize:

  • Organizations: in iTop, the partitioning of the data is based on the hierarchy of Organizations. Therefore the structure of the Organizations must be carefully planned based on the security needs (who needs to access what).
  • User accounts: whether accounts are to be imported in iTop or synchronized with an external source (LDAP, Active Directory), this step is mandatory in the on-boarding process.
  • Locations, Contacts, Teams, Delivery Models: on top of the Organizations, the actual list of teams and people who are part of the service management activities, must be defined
  • Configuration Items: the infrastructure and software elements to manage can be imported or synchronized with external sources
  • Service Catalog and Service Levels Agreements: defining the services available and the provider/customer relations is key to enable the whole ticketing system in iTop.

Follow the steps described in iTop implementation guide to start configuring your iTop instance.

Configure the working hours and holidays so that the Service Level Agreements are configured according to your specifications.

latest/products/implementation.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 (external edit)
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