Upgrade iTop

To check before upgrading...

Software requirements

Carefully read requirements, they may have changed since you last installed/upgraded your iTop instance :

Release notes

Why upgrading? What features are brought by new versions:

iTop Version 2.7 3.0 3.1 3.2
What's new new in 2.7 new in 3.0 new in 3.1 new in 3.2
Change log Cumulative change log (exaustive list of changes includind each sub releases)

Migrations Notes

Before upgrading your iTop instance to a new version, read all migration notes on the upgrade path !
For example if you're upgrading from 2.7.x to 3.2.0, you must read the following migration notes: 2.7 to 3.0 and 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2

Target version 2.7 3.0 3.1 3.2
Migration Notes 2.6 to 2.7 2.7 to 3.0 3.0 to 3.1 3.1 to 3.2

Extensions compatibility

Before upgrading, check all of your installed extensions are compatible with the new version !

List of installed extensions and their version can be found in the “about iTop…” dialog, located in the log-off menu.

Check compatibility by opening each extension documentation.

Process : dry-run on a test environment

You should first try the update on a test environment running the same environment (PHP and MySQL version and configuration) and same data !

As datamodel changes leads to database updates, some can be quite costly. Such updates are listed in the migration notes (see above), but running on a test environment allow you to get those SQL queries in the log/setup-queries-*.sql file (this file is generated since 2.5.0) and sometimes they can be executed in advance on a not yet migrated iTop database

iTop upgrade


Only available since iTop 2.7.0.
To be used for minor migrations only (x.y.a to x.y.b), see limitations

If your installed iTop instance is at least in the 2.7.0 version you will be able to use the application upgrader to automate the process ! It is located in the System / Application Upgrade menu.
This is recommended especially for security upgrades, where very few changes are generally made !

The iTop application upgrader will check the system configuration and warn you if the requirements are not met.

Combodo clients will get access to smaller iTop patches, but those are not published for community users.
Application updater can still be used with complete iTop packages, but as those files are big (20MB or so) this needs to allow big uploads in the web server configuration !

If you can't use iTop application updater for any reason (upload size, write permissions, …), use the below manual process.


  1. Make a backup of your current iTop directory (you should exclude /data/backups)
  2. Unzip the downloaded package in your iTop directory : this will create a /web subdirectory
  3. If you used the /webservices/cron.params file, copy it to /web/webservices
  4. Remove previous version core files : rm -rf addons datamodels images lib manifest.xml portal application core dictionaries env-test index.php navigator setup webservices approot.inc.php css js pages synchro documentation bootstrap.inc.php web.config node_modules sources resources templates data/cache-production/*
  5. Your iTop directory should now contains
    • the following subdirectories : conf, data, env-production, log, extensions, web (and maybe toolkit or collectors if you have installed them)
    • no file at the iTop directory level
    • You may need to remove bootstrap.inc.php and templates/ if present (since 2.7.0)
  6. Copy new version core files by launching this command, still in your iTop directory : cp -r ./web/* .
    Check permissions (your webserver user must have access)
  7. Change iTop configuration file to make it writable : chmod 644 conf/production/config-itop.php
  8. Launch a Setup (using in your browser : <your_itop_url>/setup)
  9. On step 2, keep “upgrade” radio selected.
    Check that the database backup is selected
  10. Click next on all following steps
The mysqldump utility must be executable on your web server for the database backup to be possible.
latest/install/upgrading_itop.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 by
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