Differentiate homonyms in console

Summary card

Feature introduced in iTop 3.1.0

Sometimes just the name of an object is not enough to identify it clearly, in this case, leave your mouse over its name, and after a delay, more information about that object is displayed in a popup, with the possibility to directly edit that object in full screen.

User preference

A user can decide to disable the summary card feature for him

Some default cards





(customer + title + description)


(Provider + Description)

Functional CI

There are different summary card for each final class of functional CI


(Provider + Service + Description)

Complementary Name

Feature introduced in iTop 3.0.0

Useful when selecting objects in a drop-down list:

Person (email + org_name) Team (description + org_name)

FunctionalCI (global: org_name)

Service (Provider)

Ticket (Customer - Title)

Trigger (class, Additional information)

latest/feature/overcard.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 by
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