

iTop Extensions

Sms Notifications

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SMS Notifications
Action to send short notifications via SMS
Notifications, SMS
ITSM Designer

This bundle of two extensions: itop-smsnotification-base and itop-sms-notification-mobimel provides a new Action: SMSNotification and a transport for delivering these notification via the Mobimel provider.


  • Send notifications to mobile phones as SMS, via the Mobimel service provider.
  • Fully integrated via iTop's notification system
  • Additional service providers can be implemented as additional modules by inheriting from the SMSTransport base class.


  • Only one SMSTransport is active, for all SMS Notifications, at a given time.


A valid account to the Mobimel service provider… if you use this transport.


Copy the two folders itop-smsnotification-base and itop-sms-notification-mobimel into the extensions folder of iTop and launch the setup again.

Make sure that the web server has enough rights to read the content of the extensions folder and all its sub-folders before launching the setup

When prompted to select the extensions to install, check both “Mobimel SMS Provider” and “SMS Notifications (base)” in the list of available extensions.



'itop-smsnotification-base' => array(
    'transport' => null,
    'mobile_phone_attcodes' => array(
        'Person' => 'mobile_phone',
    'report_errors_to' => '',
    'report_errors_from' => '',
    'asynchronous' => false,
Parameter Meaning Default Value
transport The name of the SMSTransport class to use for sending SMS. Since, for now, there is just one transport available, use the text 'SmsTransportMobimel'. null
mobile_phone_attcodes A hash array, defining, for each class of recipient, the code of the attribute that holds the mobile phone number.
    'Person' => 'mobile_phone',
report_errors_to The email address of an administrator to who the errors will be reported by email.
report_errors_from An email address to be used as the sender of the error reporting emails. Note that some mail servers block the sending of emails if the sender email address is not a valid.
asynchronous Wether the SMS are sent synchronously or queued and sent by the background task (cron.php). For testing and debugging it may be useful to have the SMS sent synchrously, but this tends to be slow since sending SMS requires a connection to the web service of the SMS provider. Therefore the recommended value in production is true. false


'itop-smsnotification-mobimel' => array(
    'login' => '',
    'password' => '',
    'provider_url' => '',
    'debug' => false,
Parameter Meaning Default Value
login The identifier to connect to the Mobimel service.
password The password to connect to the Mobimel service.
provider_url The URL of the Mobimel service provider. You may change this value if the Mobimel service is relocated or for testing purposes (see below)
debug Set this parameter to true to activate debug traces in the output of the cron job. false
Emulation of the Mobimel service:

The module 'itop-smsnotification-mobimel' is capable of emulating the Mobimel service provider. In order to use the emulator, change the provider_url to the value http://<itop>/env-production/itop-smsnotification-mobimel/emulator.php. Also change the login to test and the password to secret.

The emulator allows you to simulate a number of cases (incorrect login, no more credit, etc.), without consuming your Mobimel credits. Of course the emulator does not send any SMS but instead logs all the messages into the file <itop>log/sms-emulator.log


To create a new “Action” for responding to Triggers, go to “Admin Tools / Notifications”. Click on the “Actions” tab and then click the “New…” button.

Pick the SMS Notification class

Click “Apply” to display the creation form:

SMS Notification creation form

Field Meaning Sample Value
Name Name of the action. Any value that is meaningful to distinguish this action Invitation for implementing changes
Description A longer explanation about the purpose of this action. for information only.
Status Whether or not the action is active (= In Production), Being tested or Inactive. In Production
Test Recipient An email address for testing the notification. used when the status is “Being tested”.
Sender If your account allows you to overload the “sender” identifier, use this field to specify a specific “sender” for the SMS. if left blank, the provider's default number is used.
Recipients An OQL query which returns the list of the recipients of the SMS. Placeholders are supported, prefixed with a colon (:). Note that one SMS will be sent to each individual recipient, consuming one credit for each recipient. SELECT Person WHERE id=:this->agent_id
Message The message to send. Placeholders are supported, surrounded by $. The resulting message will be truncated to 160 characters. The ticket $this->ref$ has been assigned to you.
Don't forget to associate the action with a Trigger, otherwise it will never be activated.
extensions/sms_notifications.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/31 09:44 by
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