

iTop Extensions

Webhook integrations

đŸ€Š đŸ€Š đŸ€Š Included in iTop Community from 3.0.0 😎 😎 😎

Webhook integrations
Add webhook actions to integrate with 3rd-party apps when triggers are activated
iTop Hub
PHP 8.3


Allow outgoing webhooks via new actions on any existing triggers

  • send chat notifications to Google Chat, & Slack, with the same placeholders as email notification.
  • replicate / mirror part of an object on another itop, through a simple configuration in json in an action and update local triggering object with remote information
  • call any third party application offering webservices

Revision History

Date Version Description
2024-11-18 1.4.2 * N°7664 - Add support for Adaptive Cards in webhook integration (thanks to @larhip !)
* N°7673 - Oauth2 for webhook
* N°7875 - Hide iTop tokens from the webhooks logs
* N°7932 - Add english (GB) translation to iTop
* N°8119 - Increase webhook URL input file size
* N°8147 - Polishing Webhook Oauth Erwan edition
* N°8066 - Polishing Webhook Oauth
* N°7228 - $this→head_html(public_log)$ not working in webhook JSON
2024-12-23 1.4.1 * N°8008 - Webhooks: Failed to update triggering object on process response callback
2024-08-06 1.4.0 * N°2039 - Increase iTop min. version to 3.2.0
* N°2039 - Add complementary name on child classes to avoid empty summary cards in iTop 3.1+
* N°7044 - Move “language” attribute from ActionWebhook to ActionNotification
* N°5194 - Enable webhook actions to be asynchronous in order to save response callback value
* N°7170 - Support of PHP 8.3: Fix usages of get_class() without argument
* N°7499 - Rework actions / events class labels
* N°7589 - Move menu under Integrations
* N°7691 - Update german translations thanks to @Attila0428
2024-01-19 1.3.3 * N°7078 - Update hungarian translations (thanks to Csaba TARJÁNYI a.k.a @tacsaby)
2023-11-28 1.3.2 * N°6647 - Fix JSON validation only accepting arrays as result + replace params done after validation
2023-07-13 1.3.1 * N°6507 - Remove tests folder from builds
2023-06-28 1.3.0 * N°5921 - Add support for token authentication via a new RemoteApplicationConnection
2023-06-27 1.2.1 * N°6013 - Update hungarian translations thanks to @tacsaby
* N°6467 - Update german translations thanks to @larhip
* N°6469 - Update french translations
* N°6305 - Fix cannot export RemoteApplicationConnection and ActionWebhook classes (thanks @Hipska !)
2022-12-14 1.2.0 * N°5368 - Allow all HTTP methods (not just GET / POST)
* N°5589 - Fix sent request incorrect HTTP method due to new cURL options
* N°5366 - Add “path” attribute in generic “ActionWebhook” for better compatibility with third-party webservices
* N°5796 - Fix typo in ActionWebhook::GetRemoteApplicationConnectionFromActionWebhok()
* N°5774 - De-hardcode webhooks configuration rights
* N°5252 - Added Other/Generic type of Remote Application Connection
* N°5367 - Fix non-string values (boolean, null) converted into empty string
* N°5179 - Add chinese translations (thanks to @bdejin)
* N°5266 - Add dutch translations (thanks to @jbostoen)
* N°5050 - Add spanish translations (thanks to Miguel Turrubiates)
* N°5473 - On JSON format exception, more context log and specific Exception impl (InvalidJsonValueException)
2022-03-22 1.1.1 Fix module dependencies in iTop 3.0+ (no need for config. mgmt.)
2022-03-09 1.1.0 Add dedicated notification action for Microsoft Teams
Fix crash when payload is too big to be logged
Fix malformed JSON with multiline payload and generic action (Check migration notes)
Add ContextTag around response handler for more precise processing
2022-01-05 1.0.0 First version

Migration notes


JSON payload must now follow the official specifications (see here for more info), this means that if you had payloads with single quotes instead of double quotes you must fix them. Otherwise webhook action will fail.


You need to be familiar with notifications in iTop, see here for more information.

PHP extention curl is required for webhook integrations


  • Webhook actions do not work with the TriggerOnLogUpdate trigger as it is restricted by “email-reply” to email actions only.
  • If asynchronous sending, total request cannot exceed 64MB when serialized, so URL + headers + payload should not excess 60MB (eg. if sending attachments).
  • If network error occurs, response callback is not called.
  • Google Chat action only works with Google Workspace (paid version)


Use the Standard installation process for this extension.

If you have the ITOMIG Webhook extension, you must remove it priori to installing this one, otherwise you have a conflict during the setup.


Some configuration parameters are available for the extension

'combodo-webhook-integration' => array (
    'certificate_check' => true,
    'prefer_asynchronous' => false,
    'timeout' => 5,
Parameter Type Description Default Value
certificate_check bool Whether the remote app certificate should be verified during connection. Set to false if connecting with non HTTPS servers. true
prefer_asynchronous bool Whether the webhook calls should be asynchronous or not, meaning that they will be sent by the CRON job. false
timeout integer Number of seconds before the connection timeout. 5


This extension does nothing out of the box, until you have created Remote application connections and Webhook actions to send data to third-party apps.

Remote application connections

Available in the “Configuration > Integrations” menu, remote application connections are the repository of endpoints to the third-party applications you want to integrate with. They will be used by the Webhook actions.

Here is an example for a Slack connection. The “application type” is a typology that has no impact it is just to ease filtering / documentation of all the connections.

Webhook actions

Webhook actions works like any other email actions:

  • Choose a destination (Remote application connection)
  • Link the desired Triggers
  • Configure the message / data to send

Out of the box, 5 new type of actions are available:

  • Slack notification to send a message to a Slack channel / user
  • Rocket.Chat notification to send a message to a Rocket.Chat channel / user
  • Google Chat notification to send a message to a Google Chat channel / user
  • iTop webhook call to call the standard REST/JSON API of another iTop
  • Webhook call (generic) to call any third-party webservices

Note: All “app-oriented” actions are based on the generic one but they hide all the complexity of generating the request (headers, payload, 
) so you can focus on the content you want to send.


The following tutorials are based on the apps automation processes at the time this documentation was written. Keep in mind that they may change some parts of the processes / GUIs making this tutorials outdated. In that case follow their documentations directly and contact us so we reflect changes here.

Slack notifications

Sending notifications to your Slack workspace requires 4 steps:

  • Create your own “Slack app” (necessary only once)
  • Add an “incoming webhook” to the Slack app (necessary only once per channel / user you want to send notifications to)
  • Add this webhook as a Remote application connection in iTop (necessary only once like above)
  • Add the Slack notification action in iTop

Slack full documentation is available here

1. Create your own "Slack app"

Note: This step is optional if you already configured a Slack app.

Go to the “Slack API” page and click on the “Create new app” button.

Configure it properties if you want, this step is optional but adding a custom icon and name brings a very nice touch to it.

2. Add an "incoming webhook" to the Slack app

Note: This step is optional if you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel / user.

On your app properties page, click on “incoming webhooks” in the left menu.

If not already done, activate the incoming webhooks.

Then click on “Add a new webhook to Workspace” and select its destination (a channel or a user).

Once added, copy the webhook URL and go back to your iTop

3. Add a "Remote application connection" in iTop

Note: This is step is optional is you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel / user.

In your iTop, create a new Remote application connection and fill the attributes:

  • Application type: Just for documentation / information
  • Environment: Just for documentation / information
  • URL: The webhook URL retrieved from the previous step. It is possible to use $this placeholder. For instance if the webhook is triggered by a ticket $this→team_id→attribute$

4. Add a "Slack notification" action in iTop

In your iTop, create a new Slack notification action.

  • Select the connection created in the previous step
  • Prepare the message to send in Slack
  • Choose some extra options (hover on their labels to have details on their purpose)
  • Link at least one Trigger like for any other action

Description of the available attributes

Slack notification Purpose
Name Free text to identify this particular notification
Description Free text to describe this action
Status To dis-activate this notification
Language Just for documentation / information
Connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification
Test connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification when in Test status
Message Text which will be written in Slack. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Attributes from Display additional attributes below the message. Possible values List / Slack
List will displays the standard list of attributes of the object triggering the notification.
Slack supposes that a slack XML tag is defined under presentation to specify the fields to display (will work only in upcoming iTop 3.1+)
User info. Display user information (full name) below the message. Possible values: Yes / No (default)
Modify button Include a button below the message to edit in iTop the object which has triggered the message. Possible values: Yes / No (default)
Delete button Include a button below the message to delete in iTop the object which has triggered the message. Possible values: Yes / No (default)
Other actions buttons Include transitions available in the current state below the message. Possible values: Yes / Specify / No (default)
Other actions codes Specify which transitions to include as buttons below the message. Should be a comma separated list of the stimuli codes (eg. ev_reopen, ev_close)
Prepare payload callback PHP method to prepare payload data to be sent during the webhook call. (See How to customize the sent payload)
Process response callback PHP method to process the webhook call response. (See How to process the response)

5. Test the notification

In the following example, the action is triggered by a log update on a User request.

Microsoft Teams notifications

There are two methods to send notifications in Microsoft Teams.

The recommended one is through Power Automate. The deprecated/obsolete one is through connectors.

You'll find below the tutorials for both methods.

Sending notifications to your Microsoft Teams workspace requires 3 steps:

  1. Teams configuration : Add a workflow (Power Automate) OR a connector to Microsoft Teams (necessary only once per channel you want to send notifications to), this step varies depending on the method you choose to send notifications
  2. Add this webhook as a Remote application connection in iTop (necessary only once like above)
  3. Add the Microsoft Teams notification action in iTop

Microsoft Teams full documentation is available here for Power Automate here for webhooks

1. Teams configuration

Power Automate

Note: This step is optional if you already configured a workflow to the same desired channel.

In Teams, open the channel you want to create to webhook for. Then click on “Workflows” in the top right menu (three dots menu).

Then choose the workflow “Post to a channel when a webhook request is received”

Then assign a name to it:

Indicate where it should send the message:

Finally, copy the displayed URL and go back to your iTop:

Connector (deprecated/obsolete)

Note: This step is optional if you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel.

In Teams, open the channel you want to create to webhook for. Then click on “Connectors” in the top right menu (the button on the right of the three dots menu).

Then, in the settings, click on “Edit”, on the “Connectors” part

Look for “Incoming Webhook” and click “Configure” to configure a new one.

Give a name and optionally an image that will be displayed for messages of that webhook. Once added, copy the webhook URL and go back to your iTop.

2. Add a "Remote application connection" in iTop

Note: This is step is optional is you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel.

In your iTop, create a new Remote application connection and fill the attributes:

  • Application type: Just for documentation / information
  • Environment: Just for documentation / information
  • URL: The webhook URL retrieved from the previous step.

It is possible to use the $this placeholder in the URL. For instance if the webhook is triggered by a ticket, and if the team contains some Teams related information $this->team_id->teams_related_attribute$

3. Add a "Microsoft Teams notification" action in iTop

In your iTop, create a new Microsoft Teams notification action.

  • Select the connection created in the previous step
  • Prepare the message to send in Microsoft Teams
  • Choose the JSON format : “Adaptive Card” in the connection uses Power Automate and “Message Card” for connectors.
  • Choose some extra options (hover on their labels to have details about their purpose)
  • Link at least one Trigger like for any other action
The Highlight color field has a different meaning for Adaptive Cards (i.e. Power Automate) and Message Cards (i.e. Connector). For Adaptive Cards the value defines the background color of the card and must be one of the following values “default”, “emphasis”, “good”, “attention”, “warning” or “accent”. For Message Cards the value defines the color of the upper border of the card and has to be an hexadecimal color value (e.g. FF22CC).

Description of the available attributes

Microsoft Teams notification Purpose
Name Free text to identify this particular notification
Description Free text to describe this action
Status To dis-activate this notification
Language Just for documentation / information
Connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification
Test connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification when in Test status
Title Title of the new conversation in Teams. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Message Text which will be written in Slack. You can use standard Notification placeholders
JSON Format The format to use for generating the payload of the webhook. MUST BE Adaptive Card for Power Automate connections and Message Card for legacy (Connector) connections.
Attributes from Display additional attributes below the message. Possible values List / MS Teams
List will displays the standard list of attributes of the object triggering the notification.
MS Teams supposes that a msteams XML tag is defined under presentation to specify the fields to display (will work only in upcoming iTop 3.1+)
User info. Display user information (full name) below the message. Possible values: Yes / No (default)
Modify button Include a button below the message to edit in iTop the object which has triggered the message. Possible values: Yes / No (default)
Delete button Include a button below the message to delete in iTop the object which has triggered the message. Possible values: Yes / No (default)
Other actions buttons Include transitions available in the current state below the message. Possible values: Yes / Specify / No (default)
Other actions codes Specify which transitions to include as buttons below the message. Should be a comma separated list of the stimuli codes (eg. ev_reopen, ev_close)
Highlight color Color of the highlight color of the card see the note above for more information.
Prepare payload callback PHP method to prepare payload data to be sent during the webhook call. (See How to customize the sent payload)
Process response callback PHP method to process the webhook call response. (See How to process the response)

5. Test the notification

In the following example, the action is triggered by a log update on a User request.

6. Make sure your existing connectors don't require update

In the list of your configured webhook, some may display “Action required”.

Click on manage and then, on the next screen, click on “Update URL”.

You can now copy the URL and add it to your iTop by editing the URL to your “Remote application connection” object.

Rocket.Chat notifications

Sending notifications to your Rocket.Chat application requires 3 steps:

  • Add an “incoming webhook” to the Rocket.Chat app (necessary only once per channel / user you want to send notifications to)
  • Add this webhook as a Remote application connection in iTop (necessary only once like above)
  • Add the Rocket.Chat notification action in iTop

Rocket.Chat full documentation is available here

1. Add an "incoming webhook" to the Rocket.Chat app

Note: This step is optional if you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel / user.

With an administrator account, open the “Administration” menu then the “Integrations” section and create a new “Incoming” integration.

Enable it and fill at least the following:

  • Post to Channel: Where you want to send notifications. Don't forget to start with “#” or “@” depending on if its a channel or user.
  • Post as: ID of the user that will be used to send the notification, must be a valid / existing one.
  • Alias, Avatar URL and Emoji allow you to override the corresponding attributes of the “Post as” user.

Once created, copy the “Webhook URL” and go back to your iTop instance.

2. Add a "Remote application connection" in iTop

Note: This is step is optional is you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel / user.

In your iTop, create a new Remote application connection and fill the attributes:

  • Application type: Just for documentation / information
  • Environment: Just for documentation / information
  • URL: The webhook URL retrieved from the previous step. It is possible to use $this placeholder. For instance if the webhook is triggered by a ticket $this→team_id→attribute$

3. Add a "Rocket.Chat notification" action in iTop

In your iTop, create a new Rocket.Chat notification action.

  • Select the connection created in the previous step
  • Prepare the message to send in Rocket.Chat
  • Choose some extra options (hover on their labels to have details on their purpose)
  • Link at least one Trigger like for any other action

Description of the available attributes

Rocket.Chat notification Purpose
Name Free text to identify this particular notification
Description Free text to describe this action
Status To dis-activate this notification
Language Just for documentation / information
Connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification
Test connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification when in Test status
Message Text which will be written in Rocket.Chat. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Alias Overrides for this specific action only, the Alias value of the webhook as defined in Rocket.Chat. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Image avatar Overrides for this specific action only, the Image avatar value of the webhook as defined in Rocket.Chat. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Emoji avatar Overrides for this specific action only, the Emoji avatar value of the webhook as defined in Rocket.Chat. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Prepare payload callback PHP method to prepare payload data to be sent during the webhook call. (See How to customize the sent payload)
Process response callback PHP method to process the webhook call response. (See How to process the response)

4. Test the notification

In the following example, the action is triggered by a log update on a User request.

Google Chat notifications

Sending notifications to your Google Chat application requires 3 steps:

  • Add an “incoming webhook” to the Google Chat app (necessary only once per channel / user you want to send notifications to)
  • Add this webhook as a Remote application connection in iTop (necessary only once like above)
  • Add the Google Chat notification action in iTop

Google Chat full documentation is available here

1. Add an "incoming webhook" to the Google Chat app

Note: This step is optional if you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel / user.

Open the Space for which you want to add the webhook and click on “Manage webhooks”

Give it a name, save, copy the URL and go back to your iTop instance.

2. Add a "Remote application connection" in iTop

Note: This is step is optional is you already configured a webhook to the same desired channel / user.

In your iTop, create a new Remote application connection and fill the attributes:

  • Application type: Just for documentation / information
  • Environment: Just for documentation / information
  • URL: The webhook URL retrieved from the previous step. It is possible to use $this placeholder. For instance if the webhook is triggered by a ticket $this→team_id→attribute$

3. Add a "Google Chat notification" action in iTop

In your iTop, create a new Google Chat notification action.

  • Select the connection created in the previous step
  • Prepare the message to send in Google Chat. Mind that only plain text is supported for now.

Description of the available attributes

Google Chat notification Purpose
Name Free text to identify this particular notification
Description Free text to describe this action
Status To dis-activate this notification
Language Just for documentation / information
Connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification
Test connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification when in Test status
Message Text which will be written in Rocket.Chat. You can use standard Notification placeholders
Prepare payload callback PHP method to prepare payload data to be sent during the webhook call. (See How to customize the sent payload)
Process response callback PHP method to process the webhook call response. (See How to process the response)

4. Test the notification

In the following example, the action is triggered by a log update on a User request.

iTop webservices call

1. Add a "Remote application connection" in iTop

Note: This is step is optional is you already configured a webhook to the same desired remote iTop.

In your iTop, create a new Remote iTop connection and fill the attributes:

  • Application type: Just for documentation / information
  • Environment: Just for documentation / information
  • URL: The URL to the remote iTop, it should look like <ITOP_APP_ROOT_URL>/webservices/rest.php. It is possible to use $this placeholder. For instance if the webhook is triggered by a ticket $this→team_id→attribute$
  • API version: API version of the remote iTop you want to use.
  • Auth. user: Remote iTop login to use
  • Auth. passwd: Remote iTop password to use
The user defined should have the right to use the REST/JSON API

2. Add a "iTop webhook call" action in iTop

In your iTop, create a new iTop webhook call action.

  • Select the connection created in the previous step
  • Prepare the JSON payload to be used and execute on the Remote iTop. See REST/JSON Documentation for details

Description of the available attributes

iTop webhook call Purpose
Name Free text to identify this particular action
Description Free text to describe this action
Status To dis-activate this notification
Language Just for documentation / information
Connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification
Test connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification when in Test status
Headers headers lines to be send to the remote iTop REST/JSON API. Authentication is already managed by the connection. iTop connection uses by default Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
JSON Data JSON Payload to be executed
Prepare payload callback PHP method to prepare payload data to be sent during the webhook call. (See How to customize the sent payload)
Process response callback PHP method to process the webhook call response. (See How to process the response)

Then you just have to link this Action to the triggers that will call it. For instance when my ticket is entering state “pending”, we create a ticket in a remote iTop

In the JSON Data field, you can use the $this placeholder to make reference to attribute corresponding to the element that triggered the event.

For instance $this→title$

If you synchronise HTML attribute or case log it is recommanded to use HTML or HEAD_HTML function $this→head_html(public_log)$.

It will handle carriage return and copy the url of the inline image as it is in the source object.

The inlineimage is not created as an inline image in the targeted iTop

See Transfer Ticket to another iTop for a complete tutorial on how to synchronise two iTop with iTop Webhook

If the construction of your payload requires specific processing you will have to use a method defined in “Prepare payload callback”


How to call another third-party app

This chapter has to be use if you want to connect to an application using directly its REST/JSON API, and if it is not already preconfigured in iTop like Slack, Google or Rocketchat

1. Add a "Remote application connection" in iTop

In your iTop, create a new Remote application connection and fill the attributes:

  • Application type: Just for documentation / information
  • Environment: Just for documentation / information
  • URL: The url corresponding to the REST API call you want to execute . It is possible to use $this placeholder. For instance if the webhook is triggered by a ticket $this→team_id→attribute$

In my example above, we use a web service to create an issue in MantisBT

2. Add a "Webhook call (generic)" action in iTop

In your iTop, create a new Webhook call (generic) action.

  • Select the connection created in the previous step
  • define the header to be sent to the web server. There are used often to define the credential to be used in the Authorisation
  • Prepare the JSON payload to be used and execute on the Remote iTop. see REST/JSON Documentation for details

Description of the available attributes

Generic action Prupose
Name Free text to identify this particular notification
Descrition Short description for this action
Status To dis-activate this notification
Language Just for documentation / information
Connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification
Test connection This reference the URL, connection method,
 to use for this notification when in Test status
Method Method of the HTTP request
Path Additional path to append to the connection URL (eg. '/some/specific-endpoint/$this->any_attribute$') where $this->any_attribute$ corresponds to any attribute of the object that trigger the vent, for instance a ticket
Headers headers lines to be send to iTop REST/JSON API.
Payload JSON Payload to be sent to the webservice corresponding to the connection
Prepare payload callback PHP method to prepare payload data to be sent during the webhook call. (See How to customize the sent payload)
Process response callback PHP method to process the webhook call response. (See How to process the response)

Then you just have to link this Action to the triggers that will call it. For instance when my ticket is entering state “pending”, I create a ticket in a ManitBT

In the fields JSON Data, you can use the $this placeholder to make reference to attribute corresponding to the element that triggered the event.

For instance $this->title$

If the construction of your payload requires specific processing you will have to use a method defined in “Prepare payload callback”

How to customize the sent payload

if standard options of a webhook action are not flexible enough or if your payload structure must be built dynamically, use the the Prepare payload callback attribute of the action. For this you can use 2 types of methods:

  • From the triggering object itself (eg. UserRequest)
    • Method must be public, arguments must not be passed. Example: $this->XXX
    • Arguments that will be passed automatically: $aContextArgs, $oLog, $oAction
  • From any PHP class
    • Method must be static AND public. Name must be name fully qualified (mind the “\”), arguments must not be passed. Example: \SomeClass::XXX
    • Arguments that will be passed automatically: $oObject, $aContextArgs, $oLog, $oAction
Argument Type Description
$oObject DBObject Only for static methods. The object that triggered the action
$aContextArgs array Context arguments used for notification placeholders
$oLog EventNotification Log object that will be displayed in the “Notifications” tab of the triggering object
$oAction ActionWebhook Webhook action activated by the Trigger

IMPORTANT: If set, the attributes of the action that would normally make the payload will be ignored (eg. message, payload, additional elements, 

How to process the response

If you want to process the response of the webhook call, use the Process response callback attribute. You can use 2 types of methods:

  • From the triggering object itself (eg. UserRequest)
    • Method must be public, arguments must not be passed. Example: $this->XXX
    • Arguments that will be passed automatically: $oResponse, $oAction
  • From any PHP class, must be static AND public. Name must be name fully qualified. Example: \SomeClass::XXX
    • Method must be static AND public. Name must be name fully qualified (mind the “\”), arguments must not be passed. Example: \SomeClass::XXX
    • Arguments that will be passed automatically: $oObject, $oResponse, $oAction

Note that $oResponse can be null in some cases (eg. request failed to send)

Argument Type Description
$oObject DBObject Only for static methods. The object that triggered the action
$oResponse \Combodo\iTop\Core\WebResponse Context arguments used for notification placeholders
$oAction ActionWebhook Webhook action activated by the Trigger

How to resend webhook on error

Only in iTop 3.0+, if you configure webhooks to be sent asynchronously, you can also configure retries on error. This can be done using the async_task_retries configuration parameters of the application. Class names to use can be found in the “Datamodel Viewer” in your iTop backoffice.

extensions/combodo-webhook-integration.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/13 16:23 by
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