

iTop Extensions

Data model for vSphere

Data model for vSphere
Advance modelization of vSphere CIs in iTop
PHP 8.3

This extension is dedicated to vSphere, VMare's server virtualization platform which automates the management of virtual machines. It enhances iTop's CMDB by modelizing vSphere elements that are not part of iTop's default virtualization CIs (Virtual Machines, Hypervisors, Farms) and by adding attributes to some of these existing virtualization devices. Together with the Data collector for vSphere, it enables vSphere administrators to fetch in iTop the key elements of their vShpere infrastructure.


When installed on iTop, the extension creates or enhances a set of classes dedicated to or related to the vSphere environment:

  • Creations
    • Datastores
    • Link Datastores / VirtualHosts
  • Enhancements
    • Hypervisors
    • Servers
    • Storage Systems
    • Virtual Machines

Revision History

Version Release Date Comments
1.0.0 2024-01-31 First version




The extension can only be installed on iTop 3.1.0 and above, where Virtualization Management and Advanced Storage Management have been activated.


Use the Standard installation process for this extension.


No specific configuration is required for that extension.



A datastore is a logical container that hides specifics of physical storage from virtual machines and provides a uniform model for storing the virtual machine files.

Datastore Properties

Name Type Description Mandatory?
General Information
Name Alphanumeric string Name of the CI Yes
UUID Alphanumeric string Universal Unique IDentifier No
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Organization to which the CI belongs to Yes
Type Possible values: NFS, VMFS, vSan, vVol File system used by the data store Yes
Capacity Alphanumeric string Total capacity of the Datastore, in Giga Bytes No
Mouting point Alphanumeric string No
Description Multiline character string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Local Storage
Hypervisor Foreign key to a(n) Hypervisor Hypervisor used for the local storage No
Network Storage
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location Location of the storage system No
Storage System Foreign key to a(n) Storage System External storage system No
The Hypervisor and Storage System attributes are mutually exclusive and cannot be both set.


Tab Description
Virtual Hosts Virtual Hosts (Farm or Hypervisor) where the datastore is mounted

Creating a new Datastore

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


A hypervisor is a virtualization software (ESX in the vSphere world), running on a physical Server and supporting the creation of Virtual Machines.

Hypervisor Properties

The extension adds two attributes to the datamodel…

Name Type Description Mandatory?
UUID Alphanumeric string Universal Unique IDentifier No
Host ID Alphanumeric string vSphere Host IDentifier No
The Host ID attribute is not displayed. It is only used by the Data collector for vSphere to reconcile HostSystems seen by vSphere with Hypervisors or physical Servers.


.. and a n:n relation.

Tab Description
Datastores Datastores using the storage system as network storage

Virtual Machine

A Virtual Machine is the virtual equivalent to a Server. It is hosted either on an Hypervisor or on a Farm.

Virtual Machine Properties

The extension only adds one attribute to the datamodel.

Name Type Description Mandatory?
UUID* Alphanumeric string Universal Unique IDentifier No

Storage system

A Storage System is used in iTop to describe any storage system that can be attached to either a SAN or an Ethernet network. The logical unit of storage managed by a Storage System is a Logical Volume.


The extension only adds a n:n relation to the datamodel.

Tab Description
Datastores Datastores using the storage system as network storage


A Server is typically used in iTop to document a physical server machine.

Server Properties

The extension only adds one attribute to the datamodel.

Name Type Description Mandatory?
Host ID Alphanumeric string vSphere Host IDentifier No
The Host ID attribute is not displayed. It is only used by the Data collector for vSphere to reconcile HostSystems seen by vSphere with Hypervisors or physical Servers.
extensions/combodo-vsphere-datamodel.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/29 14:33 by
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