

iTop Extensions

Notify on expiration

Notify on expiration
Get a notification when a date is about to be reached
Client Store, iTop Hub
PHP 8.3


This extension allow to trigger notification when an expiration date is about to be reached.

  • You can define various Expiration rules, for different usage. Targeted for Contract & License expiration, it can be used with any class having a date attribute.
  • You can set multiple rules for the same class with different term of notice, for example one '3 months ahead' and another 'one month before' the deadline. You can even create a third one '5 days after' the deadline if you want.
  • Notification will occur once every day as long as a particular object match the Expiration rule condition. On simple rule, it means just once.
  • Notification message is configurable as any standard trigger/action.
  • For advanced need, you can define the objects in scope of the notification with an OQL.


  • Expiration Notification occurs daily only.
  • It is not designed to handle time, only date.


iTop 2.3.0 or above

Revision history

Date Version Description
2024-08-08 1.0.4 * Automated dictionaries synchronization with english reference
2023-07-13 1.0.3 * N°5483 - Fix class icon size and error messages
* N°5011 - Add dependency on Service Management for its menu
* N°5532 - Wrong tooltip in OQL Scope attribute
* Add dependency to avoid possible menu duplicate (Thanks to @Hipska!)
* Add German translations (Thanks to Lars Kaltefleiter!)
2020-03-11 1.0.2 * Add dutch translations (Thanks to Jeffrey Bostoen!)
* Add missing rights on some triggers and Actions for “Notification Manager” profile
2019-02-18 1.0.1 * Fix extension was not loaded (missing model.combodo-notify-on-expiration.php file in includes)
* Fix minutes were not picked in configured execution time
* Workaround for multiple executions in the defined minute
2019-01-10 1.0.0 First official version - deprecated
2018-03-28 0.1.0 First release


Use the Standard installation process for this extension.


Once the new module has been installed, edit the configuration file config-itop.php and look for the following new section:

  'combodo-notify-on-expiration' => array (
                'time' => '03:00',
                'enabled' => true,
                'debug' => false,

The following settings are available to configure the module:

Parameter Type Description Default Value
time hour:minute Time of the day, when the process should start. 03:00
enabled boolean Should the process run? true
debug boolean Should the CRON log be enrich with debug information? false

The Notification on Expiration is handled by the service cron.php once a day. Make sure this one is scheduled to run on your system. More information in the chapter about Background tasks.

To check the status of this service, use the command:

php webservices/cron.php --auth_user=admin --auth_pwd=admin --status_only=1
The task NotifyOnExpiration will not be listed here if the CRON has not run at least once since the extension has been installed.


Example: Setup a notification 20 days before a License expires

  • Create an Expiration Rule
  • Create a Trigger
  • Create a Notification

Expiration Rule

The extension brings a new Menu entry Expiration rules in the “Service Management” category

To create a new one:

  • Give it any Name you like,
  • Define the Class on which the rule will be applied, a Class code is expected, for eg. CustomerContract
  • Give it a Status: Active to enable the cron to execute this Expiration rule in the Background task.
  • Choose an Applied option by filling the fields either in …option 1 (simple) or in …option 2 (advanced) fieldset:


  • Define the Date to check, which must be the code of a date attribute, not the label.
  • Term of notice is configurable and says when to trigger the notification, by specifying a number of days before the deadline,

 Notify on expiration simple rule

Example: setting Class=Licence, Date to check=end_date and Term of notice=20 the resulting OQL will be:



  • Define the OQL scope with an OQL query returning the objects on which to apply the trigger. As soon as an OQL is entered, the advanced option is used, even if the simple one is also documented.
  • With the advanced mode, you can trigger notification after a date, which is not possible in simple mode.

 Notify on expiration advanced rule

You can create as many Expiration Rule as you want, for License, Customer Contract and even multiple for the same class but with a different term of notice

Example: You can get a recurring Notification for Contract ending in the next 20 days.

SELECT Contract AS C
    AND C.end_date > CURRENT_DATE()
    AND C.status = 'production'

In that example, you will receive for a single ending contract, multiple email notification, one everyday during 20 days, unless you change the end_date or the status before the end_date


  • You can check anytime which objects would be trigger if the Expiration Rule is run.

 Notify on expiration prview


Create a Trigger using the extension added: Trigger (on expiration)

 Notify on expiration trigger

You may filter it further, with an OQL:

SELECT Licence WHERE perpetual='no'
If you have high volume of objects, it's more efficient to filter as much as possible in the Expiration Rule


Create a Notification, defining who should receive it and the body of the message
On top of the standard placeholders, this extension brings also:

Placeholder Purpose
$rule->name$ The name of the Expiration rule which has trigger this notification
$rule->description$ The Description of the Expiration rule which has trigger this notification
$rule->term_of_notice$ The Term of notice in days defined in the Expiration rule which has trigger this notification

 Notify on expiration notification

Link the Notification to the above created Trigger.

Questions & Answers

Q: The sub-Menu Expiration rules does not appear under Service Management
A: Also the root cause of this issue is not understood yet, there are many possibilities to create Expiration rules without that Menu.

  1. Add to one of your Dashboards, a Dashlet Badge on class ExpirationRule: it provides a mean to create a new rule and list existing.
  2. Use under Menu Admin tools, the sub-menu Run queries: SELECT ExpirationRule it should propose you a link to create a new one.
  3. Use under Menu Admin tools, the sub-menu Universal Search and search for class ExpirationRule, it will list the existing rules and offer to create one with the New menu
extensions/combodo-notify-on-expiration.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/02 15:47 by
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