:: Version 3.2.0 ::

Managing your Preferences

User Preferences The Preferences menu allows each user to configure:

  • The User interface preferences, such as language, display choices…
  • The list of favorite Organizations to be displayed in the context menu
  • The Personal shortcuts created by the user
  • The Application keyboard shortcuts
All the settings managed in this page only apply to the current user.

User interface groups multiple simple settings:

Favorite Language

This allow you to change the language of iTop,

  • For this, select the desired language from the drop-down list and click on the Apply button.
  • The selected language is used to translate the field labels, menus and messages.
  • It does not translate the data stored in your iTop.


The default length is used to limit the displayed number of objects at once, for example, when performing a search.

  • If the number of elements in a list exceeds this value, iTop will display only a subset of the objects and the rest will be available through a paging system.
  • Each page is configured by default to display the default length number of objects.
  • Displaying more objects per page may be more convenient but will slow down the display.
  • A saved list in a dashlet can have its own length independent of the default, see Configuring list
  • This length is also used to limit the history of CSV imports (truncated view).

To modify the default value, change the number then click on the Apply button.

This value is the default that applies to all lists that do not have a specific configuration. (See Managing Lists for how to configure a specific list).


Vertical & Classic in read mode Vertical & Classic in edit mode Horizontal & Scrollable in read mode

Those 2 parameters layout & navigation controls how an object is displayed

  • Layout defines where the tabs titles of an object are displayed: Horizontal as before and vertical on the left part of the object display.
  • Navigation defining how you can switch from one tab to another: classic as before, only one tab at a time is displayed, scrollable all tabs are displayed in the same page and you can scroll through them with your mouse. The scrollable mode do not display tabs which are time consuming, but just an image on which you need to click to get the content.

Those modes applies on all objects of iTop, as well as on the edit mode

Rich Text Editor

HTML field with toolbar opened This option allow to have the toolbar open each time you edit an HTML field

Activity panel

Log in edition Log in read

This option specify how a caselog is displayed in the details of an object
a Ticket in general, but it applies to all object having at least one caselog

The 2 possible modes are:

  • you can add an entry, by first clicking on the icon Icon
  • you directly have the possibility to enter something in the caselog and sent it (Entry form opened by default).

Other settings

  • The option Show obsolete data unchecked by default, allow to display obsolete objects in drop-down lists and search results

Favorite organizations

In large companies, not all users are interested by all organizations documented in iTop, for example if a given user works only for a given set of customers.
This setting let each user tailor the list of organizations that appear in the context menu at the top-left of their iTop pages, in order to ease the navigation in the application.


Use this to rename or delete user-created shortcuts.

  • See User shortcuts for how to create shortcuts.
  • The shortcuts appear in the main menu immediately below the Welcome menu.
  • To rename a shortcut, check the checkbox in front of its name and click on Rename.
  • To delete shortcuts, check the checkboxes in front of their name and click on Delete (A popup confirmation message is displayed).

Application keyboard shortcuts

If you like to navigate quickly just with the keyboard, we have added shortcut for frequent actions.

  • Default shortcuts keys that we have set may collide with shortcuts of your browser, operating system, you can change them.
    1. Click on the pen icon,
    2. then press the shortcut keys you want to set for that action on your keyboard and that's it.
    3. The resulting pressed keys are displayed as feedback to confirm your change.
    4. If you change your mind, start again from step 1

You can check on the internet, existing shortcuts for most popular web applications.

User placeholder image

Can be used to associate an avatar to your user.

If there is a picture on your contact Person, then it will be used.
3_2_0/user/user_preference.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/13 09:54 (external edit)
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