:: Version 3.2.0 ::

Recording user activity

In order to greatly improve our efficiency to understand and reproduce the issue you encounter within the ITSM Designer, we are proposing you to register the sequences of entries you are making while working on the ITSM Designer.

This registration is optional:

You can change your mind any time or activate it just for a short period of time, as you encounter an issue and wish to record it for us. For this, click on the User preference button

Then check or uncheck the recording

When you stop recording, it is effective only after a reload of the page:

  • The registered data are limited to your clicks and the characters your typed, so we can replay the sequences of events and reproduce the issue.
  • It is limited to the main screen of the ITSM Designer, it does not include the login and change password screens.
3_2_0/products/designer/record-events.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 (external edit)
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