:: Version 3.2.0 ::


Data migration

Some transformations permitted by the designer will require you to migrate your data.


You have added the mandatory external key backup_id to the class Person.

On one hand, the ITSM Designer will adjust the Database format and the GUI of iTop so that creating new Persons will require the end-users to specify the backup.

On the other hand, Persons that existed prior to this change will have an undefined backup. This has several consequences:

  • those old items could not be viewed anymore
  • listing items of class Contact will still show them… while attempting to view the details will result in an error

Unfortunately, the ITSM Designer cannot guess the value for you.

This is why it requires you to “migrate your data”.

Database integrity check

To help you in detecting that kind of issue, the ITSM Designer checks the database integrity when testing or moving a design into production:

3_2_0/products/designer/limitations.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 (external edit)
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