:: Version 3.2.0 ::

Getting Started with the ITSM Designer

ITSM Designer - Combodo's customers only

Here is a step by step description on how to get started using the ITSM Designer.

It assumes that:

  1. you have subscribed a contract with Combodo, covering the usage of this proprietary tool,
  2. you are already familiar with iTop,
  3. you have installed one of Combodo products: iTop Essential, iTop Professional or iTop SaaS Tailored.

After completion of the tutorial, you will be ready to use the ITSM Designer. Despite you will have a first idea of what can be done with the designer, we strongly encourage you to further read the documentation, and in particular become familiar with a few principles that make the ITSM Designer.

The information required to follow the steps are:

  • a login to your iTop installation (administrator priviledges)
  • your licence key, provided by Combodo
  • your Combodo customer login (your email)

Launching the ITSM Designer

Log onto you iTop (product) installation.

In the menu Admin tools, click on ITSM Designer

You must be logged with the administrator profile, otherwise the entry ITSM Designer is not available.

Click on Jump into the ITSM Designer

Entering the ITSM Designer

This step is already done for SaaS Tailored instance

Enter you email and password, then click on Login

Enter your product licence key and click on Ok

If you don't remember your licence key, you can get it on this portal, under the “Contracts” menu and the “Licences”

If you have cloned your iTop instance, including the /data directory, delete the file /data/instance.txt on the newly cloned iTop before connecting it to the ITSM Designer with your licence key

Customize your application

Click on the tab Branding.

In the right pane, click on the plus button to pick a new logo…

Then click on the browse button to upload your logo file (png, jpeg or gif format)…

Your customization is taken into account in the previews…

Test your customization

In the upper toolbar, click on the Test button Test

Click on Test!

Once the test environment has been built, you are automatically redirected to that specific environment…

Check that the changes have the expected impact on the application. Our example is cosmetic and checking the outcome is obvious, but when it comes to creating new types of data, this feature really makes sense.

Move your customization into production

In the upper bar, click on Return to the Designer

This time, unless you have closed your browser since the beginning of the tutorial, there is no need to login again. Similarly, unless you perform another installation of iTop, you will not be prompted for entering the licence key.

In the blue bar, click on the Move to Production button Move to production

Enter a comment to follow up with this official change (likely to be “Test” for this time… unless you are a creative person!)…

Click on Proceed

And you are back to your iTop installation. This time, as you are doing something that will impact production environment, you are prompted for a confirmation.

Under SaaS tailored subscription, you are not proposed to backup your instance, Combodo takes care of it

Click on Update iTop now!

… until completion…

Click on Go to the updated application and ultimately check that everything went well!

3_2_0/products/designer/getting_started.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 (external edit)
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