:: Version 3.2.0 ::

CRUD Extensibility with Events

CRUD extensibility refers to implementing a specific behavior when objects are Created, Updated or Deleted. This implementation assumes a piece of PHP code, injected by several means (See the related documentation).

Events Listeners

Registering listeners for the different CRUD events allows to add features during ORM operations.

Compute values Compute object fields when object is modified (can be called outside CRUD) EVENT_DB_COMPUTE_VALUES n/a
Before Write Called once before the operation EVENT_DB_BEFORE_WRITE New in 3.1.2 EVENT_DB_ABOUT_TO_DELETE
Check to write Check if the requested operation is valid for this object EVENT_DB_CHECK_TO_WRITE EVENT_DB_CHECK_TO_DELETE
After Write The DB operation is completed (status OK) EVENT_DB_AFTER_WRITE EVENT_DB_AFTER_DELETE
Link modified An n-n link was created/updated/deleted so all the objects pointed by this link are signaled EVENT_DB_LINKS_CHANGED n/a

Registering events can be done in several ways: How to add events and listen to them to react.

Events on a class

To find the complete list of events available on a given class go the the Datamodel in iTop, open the class and go the the tab events


How to use them?

For each of the above events, you will find

  • what data are provided with the event, data which can be used within the callback PHP method. The method always receive a single object which is the event itself. And the event has properties which you can get

Compute values

Compute object fields when object is modified (can be called outside CRUD)



Modifying the object

The current object can be modified, therefore it is not necessary to call DBWrite() to save the modifications because the object is going to be written to the database.

Event Data

  • 'object' is the current object

Event Sources

  • All the parent classes of the current object (up to cmdbAbstractObject)

Available API

  • The current changes are available with DBObject::ListChanges()

Before Write

Before the requested operation is started. In this phase, it is possible to modify the current object.



Modifying the object

  • For CREATE and UPDATE it is possible to modify the object values.
  • For DELETE the object is guaranteed to be deleted from the database. It is yet available, but read-only.

Event Data

  • 'is_new' if the object is in creation
  • 'object' is the current object

Event Sources

  • All the parent classes of the current object (up to cmdbAbstractObject)

Check to write

Check if the requested operation is valid for this object. This can be called outside of CRUD by the console to check the uniqueness rules.



Modifying the object

The object MUST NOT be modified at this point.

Attempting a call to Set() on any of the object field will throw a CoreException.

Event Data

  • 'object' is the current object
  • 'is_new' if the object is in creation
  • 'deletion_plan' is the current DeletionPlan to check for EVENT_DB_CHECK_TO_DELETE

Event Sources

  • All the parent classes of the current object (up to cmdbAbstractObject)

Available API

  • The current changes are available with DBObject::ListChanges()
  • Problems can be reported using DBObject::AddCheckIssue() or DBObject::AddDeleteIssue(), this will prevent the object to be written to or deleted from the database.
  • Warnings can be reported using DBObject::AddCheckWarning(), this won't prevent the object to be written to or deleted from the database.

After Write

The requested operation has been done in database. In this phase, it is possible to propagate the modifications to other objects.



Modifying the object

For CREATE and UPDATE it is possible to modify again the object values, therefore it is not necessary to call DBWrite() to save the modifications because if the object is modified during this phase, a deferred DBUpdate() will be called. In this case the complete UPDATE process will be run again (with all the events).

For EVENT_DB_AFTER_DELETE The object is not loaded in memory, a fatal error occurs when trying to access to object fields. The recommendation is to use EVENT_DB_ABOUT_TO_DELETE event instead.

Event Data

  • 'changes' array contains the changes done during this update (for UPDATE)
  • 'is_new' if the object is in creation
  • 'object' is the current object

Event Sources

  • All the parent classes of the current object (up to cmdbAbstractObject)

Available API

For UPDATE, The current changes are also available with ListPreviousValuesForUpdatedAttributes()

When an n-n link is created, updated or deleted, all the objects linked (and also the objects previously linked in case of modification) are notified with the event.

Since 3.1.2: The current object created or updated is NOT notified on links modification, this case must be treated in the EVENT_DB_BEFORE_WRITE event handler.



Modifying the object

The object can be modified at this point and a DBUpdate() is necessary to persist the modifications.

Event Data

  • 'object' is the linked object

Event Sources

  • All the parent classes of the linked object (up to cmdbAbstractObject)


New in 3.1.2

Manage the allowed transitions. It only permits to reduce the allowed transitions in current object state.


Event Data

  • 'object' The object where the stimulus is targeted
  • 'allowed_stimuli' The list of available stimuli in the current state

Event Sources

  • All the parent classes of the current object (up to cmdbAbstractObject) have a life cycle

Available API

  • The only action possible is to deny transitions with DBObject::DenyTransition()
3_2_0/extensibility/events_crud.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/08/13 09:54 (external edit)
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