:: Version 3.2.0 ::

Virtualization Management Module


A Farm (or cluster) is a group of Hypervisors pooled together and sharing storage resources to provide an overall fault tolerant system for hosting Virtual Machines.

Farm Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Application solutions All the application solutions depending on this configuration item
Logical volumes All the logical volumes used by this device
Hypervisors All the hypervisors that compose this farm
Virtual machines All the virtual machines hosted by this host
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Farm

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Farm impacts its Virtual Machines, the Application Solutions which this Farm is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Farm.
  • Depends on: a Farm depends on the related Hypervisors and Logical Volumes.


An hypervisor is a virtualization software (MS Hyper-V, VMWare ESX, Xen, etc.), running on a physical Server and supporting the creation of Virtual Machines.

Hypervisor Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Server Foreign key to a(n) Server No
Farm Foreign key to a(n) Farm No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Application solutions All the application solutions depending on this configuration item
Logical volumes All the logical volumes used by this device
Virtual machines All the virtual machines hosted by this host
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Hypervisor

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: an Hypervisor impacts the Farms that use it, the Virtual machines running on the Hypervisor, the Application Solutions which this Hypervisor is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Hypervisor.
  • Depends on: an Hypervisor depends on the related Logical Volumes and the Server which hosts this Hypervisor.

Logical Interface

A network interface for a Virtual Machine.

Logical Interface Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
IP address IP address No
MAC address Alphanumeric string No
Comment Multiline character string No
IP gateway IP address No
IP mask IP address No
Speed Decimal value (could be negative) No
Virtual machine Foreign key to a(n) Virtual Machine Yes

Virtual Machine

A Virtual Machine is the virtual equivalent to a Server, it is hosted either on an Hypervisor or on a Farm.

Virtual Machine Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Virtual host Foreign key to a(n) Virtual Host Yes
OS family Foreign key to a(n) OS Family No
OS version Foreign key to a(n) OS Version No
OS licence Foreign key to a(n) OS Licence No
CPU Alphanumeric string No
RAM Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Softwares All the softwares installed on this configuration item
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Application solutions All the application solutions depending on this configuration item
Network Interfaces All the logical network interfaces
Logical volumes All the logical volumes used by this device
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Virtual Machine

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Virtual Machine impacts the software intances running on it, the Application Solutions which this VM is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the VM.
  • Depends on: a Virtual Machine depends on the related Logical Volumes and the Hypervisor or Farm on which the VM runs.
3_2_0/datamodel/itop-virtualization-mgmt.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 (external edit)
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