:: Version 3.2.0 ::

End User Devices management Module

IP Phone

This object is used to document IP telephones that are connected directly to an Ethernet network.

IP Phone Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Phone number Alphanumeric string No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new IP Phone

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: an IP Phone impacts the Application Solutions that this IP Phone is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the IP Phone.
  • Depends on: nothing. An IP Phone has no dependencies.

Mobile Phone

This object is used to document mobile (wireless) telephones.

Mobile Phone Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Phone number Alphanumeric string No
IMEI Alphanumeric string No
Hardware PIN Alphanumeric string No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Mobile Phone

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Mobile Phone impacts the Application Solutions that this Mobile Phone is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Mobile Phone.
  • Depends on: nothing. A Mobile Phone has no dependencies.


This object is used to document both desktop and laptop Personal Computers.

PC Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
OS family Foreign key to a(n) OS Family No
OS version Foreign key to a(n) OS Version No
Type Possible values: desktop, laptop No
CPU Alphanumeric string No
RAM Alphanumeric string No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Softwares All the softwares installed on this configuration item
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Network interfaces All the physical network interfaces
Network devices All network devices connected to this device
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new PC

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a PC impacts the Application Solutions that this PC is part of, all the PC Softwares running on the PC and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the PC.
  • Depends on: a PC depends on the Network Devices which are connected to it.


This object is used to document in iTop any kind of computer peripheral, for example: external hard drives, scanners, input devices (trackballs, bar code scanners), etc…

Peripheral Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Peripheral

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Peripheral impacts the Application Solutions that this Peripheral is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Peripheral.
  • Depends on: nothing. A Peripheral has no dependencies.


A plain old wired telephone

Phone Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Phone number Alphanumeric string No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Phone

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Phone impacts the Application Solutions that this Phone is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Phone.
  • Depends on: nothing. A Phone has no dependencies.


A personal printer connected either to the network or to a PC.

Printer Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Network interfaces All the physical network interfaces
Network devices All network devices connected to this device
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Printer

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Printer impacts the Application Solutions that this Printer is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Printer.
  • Depends on: nothing. A Printer has no dependencies.


A tablet PC (iPad, Galaxy Note/Tab, Nexus, Kindle…)

Tablet Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock No
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contracts for this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item

Creating a new Tablet

Type the Class name in the Quick create area to create a new object, then fill the form and press the Create button.


  • Impacts: a Tablet impacts the Application Solutions that this Tablet is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Tablet.
  • Depends on: nothing. A Tablet has no dependencies.
3_2_0/datamodel/itop-endusers-devices.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/13 09:54 (external edit)
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