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How to change Console colors

Prerequisite: You must be familiar with the Syntax used in Tutorials and have already created an extension.

Change the colors of iTop console
min version:

On top on the existing default themes, it is possible to:

  • change a few colors to align it to your company color codes.
  • or if you have CSS skills, create you own theme to change radically the look of your iTop console,

As usual with customizing iTop, it requires an extension, containing XML and maybe CSS files as well.

Console main color

Customize in XML default theme light-grey

            <theme id="light-grey">
                    <variable id="brand-primary" _delta="force">
                        <!--Put your color here -->

The color value can be:

  • a color name: green
  • a color code: #F6F6F6
  • a function: lighten($brand-secondary, 15%)
  • another variable

Here is the result of changing brand-primary to green:

To see the effects of a theme change, empty the browser cache (Ctrl-F5)

Change more colors

In the 2.7 version, consider all this as work in progress. Version 3.0 should clean and reorganized the variables.

Main variables

CSS Variable Usage
brand-primary used in most place were you see orange in a standard iTop
hyperlink-color used for text which are hyperlinks, such as menu entries, external keys
complement-color fieldset legend background, table header text, frame border of edit container
complement-light frame background of edit container (object and transition)
main-header-background Dashlet header background color
frame-background-color North and West pans
breadcrumb-text-highlight-color Text color when going over a breadcrumb entry
search-criteria-more-less-details-color Icons on search criteria, to see more or less operators
hover-background-color Background color, when going over a group menu or a tab
table-hover-background Background color, when going over a row in a list of objects
content-color Background color for Menu, Details, Pop-up windows,…
button-header-background-color Background color for object tabs
main-menu-background-color Background color for main header menus
text-color most text in iTop
brand-secondary not yet used
highlight-text-color does not seems to be used
highlight-color it's set to brand-primary - DO NOT change it
  • There are more variables, to get them all, open the file <iTop>/css/css-variables.scss
  • To get their usage, search for their name in all files of <iTop>/css/*

Variable values

Create an XML entry for each variable you want to change, with its new value.

  • You can set any numbers of variables.
  • If you define a variable id which does not correspond to any variables in any scss files, it will be ignored.
  • The value you can put on a variable can be:
    • another variable - The variable must be defined above
    • a color name: purple
    • a color code: #F6F6F6
    • a text
    • a number, eg. box-radius: 0
    • a function: hue-rotate(-139deg) or lighten($brand-primary, 15%)
For changing the color of icons, set icons-filter with hue-rotate(36deg) and adapt the angle to get the color you wish (between 0 and 360)


You can define your own stylesheets files and your own scss file within your module and specify them in the theme.
Assuming your CSS files are located in the extension under <my-module>/css/ then the path to set in the XML is:

itop_design | branding | themes
<theme id="light-grey">
      <import id="my-css-variables" _delta="define">my-module/css/my-css-variables.scss</import>

Braun example

itop_design | branding | themes
  <theme id="light-grey">
    <variables _delta="redefine">
      <variable id="brand-primary">#8a765c</variable>
      <variable id="frame-background-color">lighten($brand-primary,50%)</variable>
      <variable id="main-header-background">$frame-background-color</variable>
      <variable id="complement-color">#996633</variable>
      <variable id="hyperlink-color">darken($complement-color,15%)</variable>
      <variable id="breadcrumb-text-highlight-color">darken($complement-color,15%)</variable>
      <variable id="search-criteria-more-less-details-color">darken($complement-color,15%)</variable>
      <variable id="complement-light">lighten(#dac292,15%)</variable>
      <variable id="hover-background-color">$complement-light</variable>
      <variable id="icons-filter">hue-rotate(42deg)</variable>


Define your own theme

Instead of altering the Combodo light-grey theme, you can also define a totally different theme here violeto-maximus, within an extension:

            <theme id="violeto-maximus" _delta="define">
                    <variable id="brand-primary">purple</variable>
                    <variable id="icons-filter">hue-rotate(230deg)</variable>
                    <variable id="complement-color">MediumPurple</variable>
                    <variable id="border-highlight-color">purple</variable>
                    <variable id="combodo-dark-gray">blue</variable>
                    <!-- Use exactly the below line, unless you define your own SCSS file -->
                    <import id="css-variables">../css/css-variables.scss</import>
                    <!-- Use exactly the below lines, unless you define your own SCSS files -->
                    <stylesheet id="jqueryui">../css/ui-lightness/jqueryui.scss</stylesheet>
                    <stylesheet id="main">../css/light-grey.scss</stylesheet>

and in the Configuration file, you set this new theme

   'backoffice_default_theme' => 'violeto-maximus',

Then the console will look like this:

In general, you should reuse the above scss files for <imports> and <stylesheets> values, but you may also rewrite them from scratch

Test instances themes

Here is the XML of the test-red iTop built-in themes:

Add a colored banner at the top with a text message. It adds a new scss file for this.

itop_design | branding | themes
      <theme id="test-red" _delta="define">
          <variable id="backoffice-environment-banner-background-color">#C53030</variable>
          <variable id="backoffice-environment-banner-text-color">#F7FAFC</variable>
          <variable id="backoffice-environment-banner-text-content">
             "THIS IS A TEST INSTANCE"
          <import id="css-variables">../css/css-variables.scss</import>
          <stylesheet id="jqueryui">../css/ui-lightness/jqueryui.scss</stylesheet>
          <stylesheet id="main">../css/light-grey.scss</stylesheet>
          <!-- Here we add another stylesheet -->
          <stylesheet id="environment-banner">../css/backoffice-environment-banner.scss</stylesheet>
2_7_0/customization/theme.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/19 17:45 by
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