Integrating iTop
A CMDB is rarely a stand-alone application. In order to integrate iTop with the rest of your infrastructure, three powerful mechanisms are available:
Import / Export pages
An Export page than can be used either as a web service or from the command line. The page allows to export in XML, CSV, Excel (.xlsx) or HTML format any set of iTop objects that can be described by an OQL query.
A scripted Import page available as a web service or from the command line to import or update iTop objects from a CSV file
Data Synchronization
Data Synchronization enables the federation of data from various sources into iTop:
Data Synchronization Overview
Example: How to synchronize Persons
Data Synchronization Reference
All these services work on virtually any object in iTop: Devices, Contacts, Tickets, User Accounts…
JSON services
REST/JSON services are generic services. The APIs are low-level operations (search objects, create/update/delete objects) that will be the building bricks allowing any kind of integration. Furthermore, a custom module can provide higher level operations that will be delivered through this same entry point.
Example of integrations
Integrating iTop with LDAP
Integrating iTop with OCSng Inventory
Integrating iTop with Vsphere
Integrating iTop with Nagios
2_6_0/advancedtopics/start.txt ·
Last modified: 2020/02/05 11:42 by