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iTop Main Screen

The picture below shows the main screen of the application, it contains all the standard elements of the iTop screens:

iTop Main Screen (click to enlarge)

The Log-Off menu

At the top-right of the page, a popup menu is accessible by clicking on the “On/off” icon: Log-Off menu

Log-Off menu

The first line of the popup displays the name of the currently logged-in user. If this user is an administrator for the application, this is also shown on this line.

Other lines in bold typeface are “Actions”. Clicking on them will launch the action corresponding to this menu item.

  • “Preferences” is for managing your user preferences in the application (language, favorite organizations, etc.)
  • “Log off” is for terminating your session with iTop
  • “Change password…” is for changing your iTop password

Changing your password

The “Change Password…” menu item is not present when using an external mechanism to authenticate with iTop (like LDAP, Active Directory, or a Single-Sign-On authentication). In this case you should use your usual method to manage your password.

Change Password menu item

By clicking on the “Change Password…” menu item, the following form is displayed:

Change Password dialog

You must type the “old” password and type two times exactly the same new password. When this is done, press “Change Password” to validate your change.

If you forgot your password, ask your administrator to reset it for you.

Disconnecting from iTop

Log-off menu item

An alternate way to close your iTop session is to close your web browser. Note that closing only the “tabs” or windows showing iTop pages but keeping the web browser open is not sufficient to terminate your session with iTop. The session will be kept open until the last window is closed.

Managing your Preferences

Preferences Menu

The “Preferences…” menu allows each user to configure:

  • The language for the iTop user interface
  • The default length for displaying any list of search results
  • The list of “favorites” Organizations to be displayed in the “context” menu
  • The user's personal shortcuts

User Preferences

All the settings managed in this page apply only to the current user.


To change the language of the user interface, select the desired language from the drop-down list and click on “Apply”.

Other settings

The “Default length for lists” is used to limit the display size of the lists of objects, for example when performing a search. If the number of elements in the list exceeds this value, then the list will display the objects by “page”. Each page containg at most “default length” objects. Displaying more objects per page may be more convenient but is also slower.

This length is also used to limit the history of CSV imports (truncated view).

To modify the default value, change the number then click “Apply”.

This value is the default that applies to all lists that do not have a specific configuration. (See Managing Lists for how to configure a specific list).

Favorite organizations

In large companies, not all users are interested by all organizations documented in iTop (for example if a given user works only for a given set of customers). This setting let each user tailor the list of organizations that appear in the context menu at the top-left of their iTop pages, in order to ease the navigation in the application.


Use this to rename or delete user-created shortcuts. (See User shortcuts for how to create shortcuts). The shortcuts appear in the main menu immediately below the “Welcome” menu. To rename a shortcut, check the checkbox in front of its name and click on “Rename…”. To delete shortcuts, check the checkboxes in front of their name and click on “Delete” (A popup confirmation message is displayed).

The Explorer Menu

On the left of the screen, a resizable pane holds the “Explorer Menu” for the application. This is the entry point to all the iTop features.

iTop Explorer Menu

In order to optimize the space on screen, the size of the menu may be adjusted by dragging its right border. You can also completely hide the menu by clicking on the “pushpin” icon at the top-right. Once the menu is hidden, move the cursor of the mouse next to the left border of the page to make the menu appear again. Click on the pushpin again to “pin” it on the page, or let the menu disappear again when you move the mouse out of it.


Many of the objects managed in iTop belong to an Organization. Organizations are the main means to arrange objects in iTop. For example the access control is based on Organizations: a given user may be allowed to access only a given set of Organizations. Moreover the “Organizations Selection” menu at the top of the menu allows the end-user to limit the current display to the context of the given Organization. Once an Organization is selected, this “context” information is kept from page to page. To reset the context and display again all iTop objects, simply select “All Organizations” in the drop-down list.

If the list of all possible Organizations is too long (more than 50), then the drop-down list is replaced by an “auto-complete”. In this case just type at least three letters of the name of an Organization to select it. If you are unsure about the naming, use the “magnifier” icon to search for Organizations.
Depending on your access rights in iTop, you may not have access to some Organizations. In this case, the “forbidden” Organizations are not listed in the drop-down box, and the objects belonging to these Organizations are not accessible to you either.

It is sometimes desirable to shorten the list of Organizations displayed in the drop-down box. For instance you may need to view only your customers of interest. Refer to Managing your preferences for more information about how to configure the list.

The main menu organizes the iTop features into several “drawers”, one per process (or area of interest). Clicking on the title of a “drawer” toggles the display of its content. Only one “drawer” is open at a time.

Inside each “drawer”, links give access to the various features of iTop.

2_2_0/user/main.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/19 11:40 by
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