:: Version 3.2.0 ::

Scripts for creating a ticket from the command line

This page contains example scripts, in various languages, to create a ticket in iTop from the command line. The scripts use the REST/JSON API of iTop to create a ticket on a remote iTop server (the script must have access to iTop through http/https). The scripts are intended for use with Nagios, since they expect 4 parameters: host, service, service_status and service_state_type, but the only meaningful parameter is the host and it is quite easy to adjust the scripts to your specific needs.

Pick the script in your favorite scripting language and don't hesitate to tailor it.

Using PHP

This section provides an example script in the PHP scripting language to create a ticket in a (remote) iTop using the REST/JSON webservices. For the simplicity of this example, only a minimal validation of the parameters and return status is performed.

Requirements: PHP with the cURL module.

Limitation: the “host” value in Nagios must correspond to the name of a unique FunctionalCI in iTop.

The following PHP script creates a UserRequest ticket (you can change the configuration to create either an Incident or a Change) and attaches the supplied host (= FunctionalCI) to it. The ticket is created in the same Organization as the host.

// Configuration
$ITOP_URL = 'https://demo.combodo.com/simple';
$ITOP_USER = 'admin';
$ITOP_PWD = 'admin';
$TICKET_CLASS = 'UserRequest';
$TITLE = 'Service Down on %1$s';
$DESCRIPTION = 'The Service "%2$s" is down on "%1$s"';
$COMMENT = 'Created from PHP';
if ($argc != 5)
        echo "Usage: {$argv[0]} <host> <service> <service_status> <service_state_type>\n";
$host = $argv[1];
$service = $argv[2];
$service_status = $argv[3];
$service_state_type = $argv[4];
$url = $ITOP_URL.'/webservices/rest.php?version=1.0';
if (($service_status != "OK") && ($service_status != "UP") && ($service_state_type == "HARD"))
        $payload = array(
                        'operation' => 'core/create',
                        'class' => $TICKET_CLASS,
                        'fields' => array(
                                        'org_id' => sprintf('SELECT Organization AS O JOIN FunctionalCI AS CI ON CI.org_id = O.id WHERE CI.name="%1$s"', $host),
                                        'title' => sprintf($TITLE, $host, $service),
                                        'description' => sprintf($DESCRIPTION, $host, $service),
                                        'functionalcis_list' => array(
                                                array('functionalci_id' => sprintf("SELECT FunctionalCI WHERE name='%s'", $host), 'impact_code' => 'manual'),       
                        'comment' => $COMMENT,
                        'output_fields' => 'id',
        $data = array(
                        'auth_user' => $ITOP_USER,
                        'auth_pwd' => $ITOP_PWD,
                        'json_data' => json_encode($payload)
        $options = array(
                        CURLOPT_POST                    => count($data),
                        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS              => http_build_query($data),
                        // Various options...
                        CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER  => true,     // return the content of the request
                        CURLOPT_HEADER                  => false,    // don't return the headers in the output
                        CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION  => true,     // follow redirects
                        CURLOPT_ENCODING                => "",       // handle all encodings
                        CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER             => true,     // set referer on redirect
                        CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT  => 120,      // timeout on connect
                        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT                 => 120,      // timeout on response
                        // Disabling SSL verification
                        CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER  => false,    // Disable SSL certificate validation
                        CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST  => false,  // Disable host vs certificate validation
        $handle = curl_init($url);
        curl_setopt_array($handle, $options);
        $response = curl_exec($handle);
        $errno = curl_errno($handle);
        $error_message = curl_error($handle);
        if ($errno !== 0)
                echo "Problem opening URL: $url, $error_message\n";
        $decoded_response = json_decode($response, true);
        if ($decoded_response === false)
                echo "Error: ".print_r($response, true)."\n";
        else if ($decoded_response['code'] != 0)
                echo $decoded_response['message']."\n";
                echo "Ticket created.\n";
        echo "Service state type !='HARD', doing nothing.\n";


create-ticket.php <host> <service> <service_status> <service_state_type>


Edit the following lines (at the beginning of the script) to adjust the script to your environment:

// Configuration
$ITOP_URL = 'https://demo.combodo.com/simple';
$ITOP_USER = 'admin';
$ITOP_PWD = 'admin';
$TICKET_CLASS = 'UserRequest';
$TITLE = 'Service Down on %1$s';
$DESCRIPTION = 'The Service "%2$s" is down on "%1$s"';
$COMMENT = 'Created from PHP'
The supplied user account must have enough rights to create the ticket and attach the CI to it. In case of doubt, test with an admin account.


You can test the ticket creation by running the script manually. For example, if a server called Server1 exists in your iTop, you can run the following command to create a ticket:

create-ticket.php "Server1" "Manual Test" "DOWN" "HARD"

Using Perl

This section provides an example script in the Perl scripting language to create a ticket in a (remote) iTop using the REST/JSON webservices. For the simplicity of this example, only a minimal validation of the parameters and return status is performed.

Requirements: Perl with the LWP and JSON modules.

Limitation: the “host” value in Nagios must correspond to the name of a unique FunctionalCI in iTop.

The following Perl script creates a UserRequest ticket (you can change the configuration to create either an Incident or a Change) and attaches the supplied host (= FunctionalCI) to it. The ticket is created in the same Organization as the host.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP 5.64;
use JSON;
# Default values
my $ITOP_URL = 'https://demo.combodo.com/simple';
my $ITOP_LOGIN = "admin";
my $ITOP_PWD = "admin";
my $TICKET_CLASS = 'UserRequest';
my $DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = 'Service "%1$s" is down on host "%2$s"';
my $DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Service down on "%1$s"';
my $COMMENT = "Created from $0";
# Parameters checking
my ($host, $service, $service_status, $service_state_type) = @ARGV;
if (not defined $host)
        die "Parameter 1: 'host' needed.\n";
if (not defined $service)
        die "Parameter 2: 'service' needed.\n";
if (not defined $service_status)
        die "Parameter 3: 'service status' needed.\n";
if (not defined $service_state_type)
        die "Parameter 4: 'service state type' needed.\n";
if ( ($service_status ne "OK" ) && ( $service_status ne "UP" ) && ( $service_state_type eq "HARD" ))
        my $url = "$ITOP_URL/webservices/rest.php?version=1.0";
        my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
        $browser->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => 0x00);
        my %ci_link = ( 'functionalci_id' => "SELECT FunctionalCI WHERE  name='$host'", 'impact_code' => 'manual');
        my %fields = (
                'org_id' => "SELECT Organization AS O JOIN FunctionalCI AS CI ON CI.org_id=O.id WHERE CI.name='$host'",
                'title' => sprintf($DEFAULT_TITLE, $host),
                'description' => sprintf($DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION, $service, $host),
                'functionalcis_list' => [ \%ci_link ],
        my %data = (
                'operation' => 'core/create',
                'class' => $TICKET_CLASS,
                'comment' => $COMMENT,
                'output_fields' => 'id',
                'fields' => \%fields,
        my $response = $browser->post($url, [
                'auth_user' => $ITOP_LOGIN,
                'auth_pwd' => $ITOP_PWD,
                'json_data' => encode_json \%data,
        if ($response->is_success)
                my $output = decode_json( $response->decoded_content);  # or whatever
                if ($output->{'code'} != 0)
                        print $output->{'message'}."\n";
                        print "Ticket created.\n";
                die $response->status_line;
        print "Service state type !='HARD', doing nothing.\n";


create-ticket.pl <host> <service> <service_status> <service_state_type>


Edit the following lines (at the beginning of the script) to adjust the script to your environment:

# Default values
my $ITOP_URL = 'https://demo.combodo.com/simple';
my $ITOP_LOGIN = "admin";
my $ITOP_PWD = "admin";
my $TICKET_CLASS = 'UserRequest';
my $DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = 'Service "%1$s" is down on host "%2$s"';
my $DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Service down on "%1$s"';
my $COMMENT = "Created from $0";
The supplied user account must have enough rights to create the ticket and attach the CI to it. In case of doubt, test with an admin account.


You can test the ticket creation by running the script manually. For example, if a server called Server1 exists in your iTop, you can run the following command to create a ticket:

create-ticket.pl "Server1" "Manual Test" "DOWN" "HARD"

Using Python

This section provides an example script in the python scripting language to create a ticket in a (remote) iTop using the REST/JSON webservices. For the simplicity of this example, only a minimal validation of the parameters and return status is performed.

Requirements: python with the requests, json and (obviously) sys packages.

Limitation: the “host” value in Nagios must correspond to the name of a unique FunctionalCI in iTop.

The following python script creates a UserRequest ticket (you can change the configuration to create either an Incident or a Change) and attaches the supplied host (= FunctionalCI) to it. The ticket is created in the same Organization as the host.

import requests
import json
import sys
ITOP_URL = 'https://demo.combodo.com/simple'
ITOP_USER = 'admin'
ITOP_PWD = 'admin'
TICKET_CLASS = 'UserRequest'
TITLE = 'Service down on %(host)s'
DESCRIPTION = 'The service %(service)s is down on %(host)s'
COMMENT = 'Created from Python'
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
        print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" host service service_status service_state_type\n"
        print str(sys.argv)
        host = sys.argv[1]
        service = sys.argv[2]
        service_status = sys.argv[3]
        service_state_type = sys.argv[4]
if (service_status != "OK") and (service_status != "UP") and (service_state_type == "HARD" ):
        json_data = {
                'operation': 'core/create',
                'class': TICKET_CLASS,
                'fields': {
                        'title': TITLE % {'host': host },
                        'description': DESCRIPTION % {'host': host, 'service': service },
                        'org_id': 'SELECT Organization AS O JOIN FunctionalCI AS CI ON CI.org_id = O.id WHERE CI.name="%(host)s"' % {'host': host},
                        'functionalcis_list': [ {
                                'functionalci_id': "SELECT FunctionalCI WHERE name='%(host)s'" % {'host': host},
                                'impact_code': 'manual',
                'comment': COMMENT,
                'output_fields': 'id',
        encoded_data = json.dumps(json_data)
        r = requests.post(ITOP_URL+'/webservices/rest.php?version=1.0', verify=False, data={'auth_user': ITOP_USER , 'auth_pwd': ITOP_PWD , 'json_data': encoded_data})
        result = json.loads(r.text);
        if result['code'] == 0:
                print "Ticket created.\n"
                print result['message']+"\n"
        print "Service state type !='HARD', doing nothing.\n"


create-ticket.py <host> <service> <service_status> <service_state_type>


Edit the following lines (at the beginning of the script) to adjust the script to your environment:

ITOP_URL = 'https://demo.combodo.com/simple'
ITOP_USER = 'admin'
ITOP_PWD = 'admin'
TICKET_CLASS = 'UserRequest'
TITLE = 'Service down on %(host)s'
DESCRIPTION = 'The service %(service)s is down on %(host)s'
COMMENT = 'Created from Python'
The supplied user account must have enough rights to create the ticket and attach the CI to it. In case of doubt, test with an admin account.


You can test the ticket creation by running the script manually. For example, if a server called Server1 exists in your iTop, you can run the following command to create a ticket:

create-ticket.py "Server1" "Manual Test" "DOWN" "HARD"

Using bash and wget

This section provides an example script in the bash scripting language to create a ticket in a (remote) iTop using the REST/JSON webservices. For the simplicity of this example, only a minimal validation of the parameters and return status is performed.

Requirements: bash and wget.

Limitation: the “host” value in Nagios must correspond to the name of a unique FunctionalCI in iTop.

The following bash script creates a UserRequest ticket (you can change the configuration to create either an Incident or a Change) and attaches the supplied CI to it. The ticket is created in the same Organization as the CI.

#                                                                                #
# Example script for creating a UserRequest ticket via the REST/JSON webservices #
#                                                                                #
# iTop location and credentials, change them to suit your iTop installation
# Parameters checking, see below for default values
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
        echo "Missing parameter 1: host"
        exit -1
if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
        echo "Missing parameter 2: Service"
        exit -1
if [ "$3" == "" ]; then
        echo "Missing parameter 3: Service Status"
        exit -1
if [ "$4" == "" ]; then
        echo "Missing parameter 4: Service State Type"
        exit -1
# Default values, adapt them to your configuration
ORGANIZATION="SELECT Organization JOIN FunctionalCI AS CI ON CI.org_id=Organization.id WHERE CI.name='"${HOST}"'"
TITLE="Service Down on $1"
# Let's create the ticket via the REST/JSON API
if [[ ( "$SERVICE_STATUS" != "OK" ) && ( "$SERVICE_STATUS" != "UP" ) && ( "$SERVICE_STATUS_TYPE" == "HARD" ) ]]; then
        CIS_LIST='[{"functionalci_id":"SELECT FunctionalCI WHERE  name=\"'"$1"'\"", "impact_code": "manual"}]'
        JSON_DATA='{"operation":"core/create", "class":"'"${TICKET_CLASS}"'", "fields": {"functionalcis_list":'"${CIS_LIST}"', "org_id":"'"${ORGANIZATION}"'", "title":"'"$TITLE"'", "description":"'"$DESCRIPTION"'"}, "comment": "Created by the Monitoring", "output_fields": "id"}'
        RESULT=`wget -q --post-data='auth_user='"${ITOP_USER}"'&auth_pwd='"${ITOP_PWD}"'&json_data='"${JSON_DATA}" --no-check-certificate -O -  "${ITOP_URL}/webservices/rest.php?version=1.0"`
        if [[ $RESULT =~ $PATTERN ]]; then
                echo "Ticket created successfully"
                echo "ERROR: failed to create ticket"
                echo $RESULT
        echo "Service State Type != HARD, doing nothing"


create-ticket.bash <host> <service> <service_status> <service_state_type>


Change the 3 lines at the top of the script to adjust to your environment

The supplied user account must have enough rights to create the ticket and attach the CI to it. In case of doubt, test with an admin account.

Then change the default values to your taste:

# Default values, adapt them to your configuration
ORGANIZATION="SELECT Organization JOIN FunctionalCI AS CI ON CI.org_id=Organization.id WHERE CI.name='"${HOST}"'"
TITLE="Service Down on $1"


You can test the ticket creation by running the script manually. For example, if a server called Server1 exists in your iTop, you can run the following command to create a ticket:

create-ticket.bash "Server1" "Manual Test" "DOWN" "HARD"

Using bash and curl

This section provides an example script in the bash scripting language to update a ticket in a (remote) iTop using the REST/JSON webservices.

for special characters it is better to use –form-string optoin instead of -F.

Copy paste this command as an example

curl -X POST -F 'version=1.3' -F 'auth_user=admin' -F 'auth_pwd=admin' http://localhost/itop/webservices/rest.php --form-string 'json_data={"operation":"core/create","comment":"Synchronization from blah...", "class":"UserRequest","output_fields":"id, friendlyname", "fields":{"org_id":"SELECT Organization WHERE id=3", "caller_id":{"name":"monet","first_name":"claude"},"title":"issue blah","description":"something happened"}}'
3_2_0/advancedtopics/create_ticket.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 (external edit)
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