

iTop Extensions

Tutorial : create a custom CSV collector


The core folder provides an abstract class CSVCollector which can serve as the basis for quickly creating collectors that retrieve their data from CSV files.

To create such a collector you need to:

  1. Create a class derived from CSVCollector
  2. Create the json definition file for the data synchro source
  3. Add a configuration parameter (in params.local.xml) to define the CSV file to parse
  4. Register your collector in collectors/main.php

Collector class

Let's create a very simple CSV collector which copies the “Person” objects (class Person)

Since the collector inherits all its behavior from the base class, the PHP code for the collector is simply:

class iTopPersonCsvCollector extends CSVCollector

Synchro data source definition file

        "name": "$prefix$Synchro CSV Person",
        "description": "Synchronization of persons from CSV",
        "status": "$synchro_status$",
        "user_id": "$synchro_user$",
        "notify_contact_id": "$contact_to_notify$",
        "scope_class": "Person",
        "database_table_name": "$persons_data_table$",
        "scope_restriction": "",
        "full_load_periodicity": "$full_load_interval$",
        "reconciliation_policy": "use_primary_key",
        "action_on_zero": "create",
        "action_on_one": "update",
        "action_on_multiple": "error",
        "delete_policy": "ignore",
        "delete_policy_update": "",
        "delete_policy_retention": "0",
        "attribute_list": [
                        "attcode": "cis_list",
                        "update": "0",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "row_separator": "|",
                        "attribute_separator": ";",
                        "value_separator": ":",
                        "attribute_qualifier": "'",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttLinkSet",
                        "friendlyname": "cis_list"
                        "attcode": "email",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "1",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "email"
                        "attcode": "employee_number",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "employee_number"
                        "attcode": "first_name",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "1",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "first_name"
                        "attcode": "function",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "function"
                        "attcode": "location_id",
                        "update": "0",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "reconciliation_attcode": "name",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttExtKey",
                        "friendlyname": "location_id"
                        "attcode": "manager_id",
                        "update": "0",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "reconciliation_attcode": "email",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttExtKey",
                        "friendlyname": "manager_id"
                        "attcode": "mobile_phone",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "mobile_phone"
                        "attcode": "name",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "1",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "name"
                        "attcode": "notify",
                        "update": "0",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "notify"
                        "attcode": "org_id",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "1",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "reconciliation_attcode": "name",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttExtKey",
                        "friendlyname": "org_id"
                        "attcode": "phone",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "phone"
                        "attcode": "status",
                        "update": "1",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttribute",
                        "friendlyname": "status"
                        "attcode": "team_list",
                        "update": "0",
                        "reconcile": "0",
                        "update_policy": "master_locked",
                        "row_separator": "|",
                        "attribute_separator": ";",
                        "value_separator": ":",
                        "attribute_qualifier": "'",
                        "finalclass": "SynchroAttLinkSet",
                        "friendlyname": "team_list"
        "user_delete_policy": "nobody",
        "url_icon": "",
        "url_application": "",
        "notify_contact_id_obsolescence_flag": ""


For each CSV collector you need to start its configuration by XML target with the name of your class:


Here are below some sample configurations:

CSV with header

Here is an example of configuration for a CSV collector with header inside the CSV file to import.

clé primaire;prénom;nom;org_id;téléphone;employé;email;fonction;statut

You can see how to configure mapping/default values and ignored values. when mapping is not specified this is considered as implicit configuration: csv column is the iTop field to synchronize.

Then in params.local.xml, add the following entries:

    <command>sed -i -e 's|isaac|ISAAC|g' collectors/iTopPersonCsvCollector.csv</command>
      <primary_key>clé primaire</primary_key>
    <ignored_columns type="array">
    <nullified_attributes type="array">

CSV without header

Here is an example of configuration for a CSV collector without header inside the CSV file to import. for csv fields we use index to help the collector parse the file.

Index start with 1 (not a PHP coding convention).
clé primaire;prénom;nom;org_id;téléphone;employé;email;fonction;statut

You can see how to configure mapping/default values and ignored values.

    <ignored_columns type="array">
    <nullified_attributes type="array">

Registering collector

Finally, in collectors/main.php add the following lines:

Orchestrator::AddCollector($index++, 'iTopPersonCsvCollector');


To launch the data collection and synchronization with iTop, run the following command (from the root directory where the application is installed):

php exec.php
extensions/sample-collector-csv.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/30 14:21 by
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